
Showing posts from May, 2020

Talk about having a Vision for Life

Tika Youth Department WhatsApp along kachethan Kachemum kachepare  aHemphang Monbor  Chesong  Ingti Kathar, M.Div Bangalore  [19/05, 4:45 pm]:  Some men see things as they are, and ask *_why._* I dream of things that never were, and ask why not? - Robert Kennedy Talk about having a *vision* for life. Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. John 4:35. The natural vision looked at the field and naturally concluded that there are four more months untill the harvest. That is seeing things as they are. The supernatural vision looked at the field and concluded that it is ripe with harvest. That is seeing things as they never were. The first is human vision while the second is a God given vision. Ik Chesong Delhi: The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. -Helen Keller

CTC atum pen Tika Youth aTheme aphuthak lam lapen Lun jume kaparju

Lam Kethan abangphu Merang sanglir, Clark Theological College along BD, lo-kacharli abangphu. (Lamlar Ketok dunthu Thare Lumtaso Ingti Kathar, BD, UBS) Lamphrang: Aphrangsi Khristo aphan kroiraprap akorte lapen Ingjir atum an aphan aKardom pajirlo. Neli ning-arong'o lake esi ahirjume pen apotsi Tika Baptist Church Youth Department atum along lam kethan long. Nanglitum pining ningkan 2020 kangvai aTheme/aThepi ne karjulong pen ning chehok'olo lake mepik anparta akenangsot lo etum Youth Department aphan.  Non kangdangbom Covid-19 pandemic avur-akrem Monit kangthim akethek-kere ajakong-horang ko'an doloma epeklangdaklo lapen non etum chini pemelo monit atum khang-un'e lapen chohai un'e pu. Lason avur-akrem ahut etum akeme kadokave atum aphan mate bang anut kaprek aphan akeme keklem akenangsot. Akeme keklem lake monit amek angno akeme pu kedengme asai chot aphan kali, bonsetame Arnam amek angno akechok'lim akeme asai aphan si akeme pu kehokdam. La...

Prayer Life

Bhomti Arnikangsam Tika Kerung Amai Niphai 16, Aru Achiklo, 2020 Birta Keme Kevan Abangphi Sami Ruptalon Hansepi  Praise the Lord! Greetings in Jesus's name to each one of you. I praise Yahweh for keeping us safe and shielded. All glory and honor be to God.  Let me quote,  James chapter 5:13  Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Amen.  Today, God wants to speak to you about prayer. Your prayer life and the significance of prayer in a believer's life. Before I share the Message of God,let us ask  ourselves a few questions to evaluate where we stand in our prayer life: 1. How often do you pray? 2. Why do you pray?  3. Do you have a disciplined prayer routine?  Nevertheless, God still loves us inspite of how we are. But, God is tired of being "admired" and not "obeyed and connected".  God wants to have a connection with you. How d...

Tika Pastor Sar Joel Hanse pen Tika Riso Nimso atum aThepi Kangpu (2020)

Tika Riso Nimso Ningkan 2020 aThepi Pastor pen Kangpu Athepi/Theme:  Ili kadokave atum aphan akeme klem lonang. GALASIA 6:10  Tika Church Pastor Joel Hanse Niphai: Phli, Aru Achiklo  Porphai: Nerkep-ra-Krethroksi, Arnikangsam (8:17 pm) TIKA  RISO NIMSO ATUM ATHEPI Galatian 6:10 pen ensi atheme enponsi kachepethik mesen lo arnam ahirjume pedo nang tika riso nimso atum pen ajok Kam keme keklem pon ke kenang sot lo. Eli chinnie nangji kekroi atum an ke akeme akam klem vek nangji bangso pensi ephan jisu aot ,adur ka chinglit  klangji. Ahok pet a Christian angthek lake akeme akam keklem kado kave atum aphan .Jasemet ke kesung atum aphan /kerap abang kave atum aphan.Jisu pulo kebinei/kesung keduk atum aphan nangtum keklempike nephan si klemlo (JISU) sipu . (MATHEW 25:45) lasi bang aphan keklempi ke  jisu aphan si kerap lo lasi illi apor keme/ varsai keme choen lo nang . KARDOM Tika Riso Nimso WhatsApp Tika alongsi aphra...
Tika aMondoli lapen rong along Nagalang pen Missionary asai kacherap dun klembang Thare/Mr. Mudozho Ringa Tunyi, alang pen ningkaperung alamthe kaparju pon penungve niphai Esi Aru achiklo. "God is shining a light into our homes during this time. We’re in the midst of a rare opportunity for families to take inventory of their spiritual lives and see where we’ve laid up our riches. Inside a church building cannot be the only place we worship. It cannot be the only place we pray. We can no longer wait until we “go to church” to read the Bible, take communion, pray or lay hands on one another for healing. Could it be that God is saying, “Time is of the essence. I want you to nurture the Lamb—your relationship with Jesus—in your homes, with your families.”" Ningchebi pontha: Labangso alamthe lake Avur-Akrem ajok Lockdown ahut esi Kachematha dam mate Reflection aphansi paklang ponlo, lapen lasonsi hokdam lo. Kardom. Tika Hills, Youth Department