Prayer Life

Bhomti Arnikangsam Tika Kerung Amai
Niphai 16, Aru Achiklo, 2020
Birta Keme Kevan Abangphi Sami Ruptalon Hansepi 

Praise the Lord!
Greetings in Jesus's name to each one of you. I praise Yahweh for keeping us safe and shielded. All glory and honor be to God. 

Let me quote, 
James chapter 5:13 
Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Amen. 

Today, God wants to speak to you about prayer. Your prayer life and the significance of prayer in a believer's life.

Before I share the Message of God,let us ask  ourselves a few questions to evaluate where we stand in our prayer life:
1. How often do you pray?
2. Why do you pray? 
3. Do you have a disciplined prayer routine? 

Nevertheless, God still loves us inspite of how we are. But, God is tired of being "admired" and not "obeyed and connected". 
God wants to have a connection with you. How do we do that? 

Now, What is Prayer? 
Simplest defination of Prayer is connection to God and talking to Him. 
Most of us young people especially pray only when we need something. We don't have a routine or a discipline of prayer. 
Let me ask you, how often do you charge your phone for it to operate actively and avail all services it provides? Surely, more than once in a day.
Likewise, for us to stay charged, spiritually strong and have victory over life,WE MUST PRAY. Your life and the connection to God is through Prayer. It's your power source of life. 

Like it or not, Some of the things in your life is going to change only through prayer. 
Today, God is calling you to have a passion of praying with fire. Know that your prayer makes a difference. 

Trust me, You can walk into a situation of chaos and you can speak and pray in the name of Jesus. 
You don't have to be loud necessarily. POWER DOESNT COME IN VOLUME. IT COMES IN WHO IS SUPPORTING YOU. 
My BIBLE tells me, " If GOD before you, who can be against you?"

Think about a life that is talking to God consistently. 
Practically, talk to God, when you're at work,at lunch, when you pass by people, pray for people and talk to God on behalf of somebody else.
You should intercede for them instead of laughing at their problem. 

Smith Wigglesworth says : I never pray more than 20 minutes but I never go 20 minutes without praying. 

Prayer is a conversation you have with God about things He can change
And Worry is a conversation you have with yourself about things you cannot change. 
The choice is yours. What are you going to choose? 
But,I bless and pray you will go for the former one. 

May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your family. Amen. 

By Ruptalon Hansepi


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