Do Good to All


By Jentirenla Chuba. Mokokchung, BD, Clark Theological College 

It’s easy to do good or to be good to those who are so close and dear to us, and to whom we love.

But how many of us do good or behave well to our enemies, to the ones who hurt us, who cheated and deceived us?

 The fact is, it’s very difficult to be good or to think positive about our enemies because when we have grudges in our heart we cannot fake around to be good, perhaps our heart is not at ease.

Be it good or bad deeds everything comes out from the heart. (Proverbs 4:23”Guard your heart, for everything you do flow from it”)

No doubt, good thing comes to those who forgive. Our God is the best example when it comes to” DO GOOD TO ALL” from the Garden of Eden he begins to do good even though Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the Fruit, God was good to Abraham and Sarah even though they were impatient, God was good to Jacob even though he deceived his father and brother, God was good to the Israelites even though they worship Baal and disobeyed him, God was good to David even though he committed adultery.

 Indeed God was and is good to all the creation even though we sinned and that is the reason why he gave his only Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to redeem the creation.
Jesus Christ taught us to do good by loving our enemies and to pray for them (Matthew 5:44).

Jesus  forgave Peter even though he denied Him three times, Jesus Christ prayed for us from His Cross, begging God to” FORGIVE” You and I even to the point of Death.
Jesus Christ taught us to Forgive, to Love and Accept people the way they are.

Today, how many of us are imitating our Savior Jesus Christ?
 “How many” of us are good to those who hurt, mocked, rejected and humiliated us.
To do good things we need a heart like Jesus which is full of compassion, love, kindness, goodness and above all a heart of forgiveness.

Today the toughest thing in this world is to “FORGIVE” and forgiveness simply cannot flow from the heart if the wound is deep.

It needs “constant prayers”.

Retrospect our lives, count how many times we have sinned yet God still loves us and forgives us all our iniquities when we repent.

If God who created us can forgive us, then who are we to hold grudges?
Who are we? A dust that will return to dust as it was before and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.

“Until and Unless We FORGIVE, We Cannot Sow the Seed of GOOD DEEDS”


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