
Biblical Response to RSS— Hindutva Ideology

(  The Babel Incident in Genesis 11:19 represented a type of assembly gathered together to build a city for themselves, and a tower with its top in the heavens. Objectively expressed, it was to make a name for themselves (v. 4). With obvious observation this chapter tells us that the whole world had one language, however, in most probability there were many linguistic groups and national identities in the Kingdom. In the previous chapters the book of Genesis mentioned ". . . each with his own language, by their families, in their nations" (10:5). This gathering was an indication of the presence of a certain political authority that had ruled and controlled over different ethnic groups. Probably, the Babel assembly was an assembly of the majority by the majority, fulfilling desires and wishes of the ruling majority....


Jakhong (Jul.) 16 : METHANG AKAM ALONG THIRKLONG NANGJI  Badu amonit arup, aser ba ape ari aphan neli konkedet lo. Neli methang ari neli lapen neli ri asangho atum kenangji amar anta nelitum aphan pilo lake nanglitum aphan arjan nang peklanglo, atheke lahelo nanglitumta lapusonle chepedukra ajakong kave atum aphan rapnangji, lapen Hemphu Jisu amethang kepu alam nanglitum chematha thunangji thangbakma alangli pulo, kelong apar kepi lake rengmemulo (Akam 20:33 35). Itum kaporhi a Baibel angdeng along Pol kaningje alam pen itum kacharli nangji akenangsot do-o. 1. Emethang kachepedor ke bang amar kekon lapen bang pen kachoram hei hei pavedet lo ba lapuson pen epejok lo. La apotsi kekroi atum anke keklem chepeduk nangji. 2. Emethang kachepedor chot ta kalilang kekroi atum ke bang aphan anta kerap dun thekji aphan si klem chepeduk nangji. Bang phan keru kethai ke kekroi atum anghor lo, Lasi lapuson keklem thekji aphan kekroi abang ke klem nangji. 3. Bang nang ...

Do Good to All

DO GOOD TO ALL By Jentirenla Chuba. Mokokchung, BD, Clark Theological College  It’s easy to do good or to be good to those who are so close and dear to us, and to whom we love. But how many of us do good or behave well to our enemies, to the ones who hurt us, who cheated and deceived us?  The fact is, it’s very difficult to be good or to think positive about our enemies because when we have grudges in our heart we cannot fake around to be good, perhaps our heart is not at ease. Be it good or bad deeds everything comes out from the heart. (Proverbs 4:23”Guard your heart, for everything you do flow from it”) No doubt, good thing comes to those who forgive. Our God is the best example when it comes to” DO GOOD TO ALL” from the Garden of Eden he begins to do good even though Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the Fruit, God was good to Abraham and Sarah even though they were impatient, God was good to Jacob even though he deceived his father and brother,...

Modern Day Idols

There is a saying, "Too much of anything is bad".  The PUBG game world has absorbed too much of our precious time and energy, otherwise which could be spent on valuable societal outcome. This has become modern idol apart from many to which we gave so much importance that takes even the place of God in our hearts. The apostle John addressed this issue, "Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts" (1 John 5:21). We need to take on a wise counsel of living our everyday life that pleases God. Its ethically and approriately commendable that we make a pause from the game world and see the real world in our home, society and Church. There is at least a little service we can offer, not vice versa through the game world which objectively cannot meet the needs of desired valuable human service. Prioritising our everyday task and ordering everyday productive routines over our use of time can possibly ensconce on how to live ea...

Ning arong Po arni aKardom pajirlo

Po aKanghon  David arni ahut alang Arnam aphan river lapen Israel aRecho alangphan bat tangdet pen ahotur do'an pen pejoksi kesangbom ahut Nathan Montri pen ajok Arnam asemeh David aphan pajirlo. Alamthe lahenlo David pirthe pen chevoi'et aphi asomar angbong pen enut aphan Recho paplangsi labang aphan Arnam apo ason chekampo "Ne ke la apo plangpo lapen la ke Nesopo plangpo. La keklem kechokche ahut, la aphan apo le asomar atum aphan aduk kepi asonthot aduk pipo" lapen Arnam akanghon do dunverpo (2 SAMUEL 7:14-15). Puthot Solomon ketok aSarlamthe along lapusi tok'lo "Sopo, nangphan Hemphu nangkepa-keng ahut nangno chedendun pamenon lapen la kepacherelo pura dengnon. Inut apo aningkechethe asopo aphan kepakeng asonthotsi Hemphu kechinghon abangphan alangli pakeng-lo" (SARLAMTHE 3:11‭-‬12). Lun 103:13 alongta pirthe kedo po a'arjan ensi Po Arnam aKanghon kedeng atum aphuthak alam lason si tok'lo, "Asomar aphan apo kechinghon asonsi, Hemphu...

Bible Stydy: Lun 149 (Psalms 149)

Tika Youth Department WhatsApp Group Short Bible Study on Psalm 149 (Lun 149). Lun Alo-thui ke kapangchokling ahirjir puta lakha lo kangchap-katarlip kethek kere atum. Lasi labangso alamthe kelongpon Lun 149 along Ron kedam ahirjir pusi langpon nangji.  Kecheng Angdengso esi pen kethom an porhe lote thek'longji kekroithirklong arat amei along lunkimi pen la Israel kapinchong aArnam Amen, Zaion kangthir aRecho, aphan kachehok pen, kekan, chengkethip, lapen kumbeleng kardeng pen ro'archonon pusi Lun-alo tokbang thanpajir lo.  Atheke Arnam Amethang kachejok aloh alam aphuthak chetengnene detsi Israel atum kesung kepho nang do'olo sita non ke latum chepebihek ajoine alanglitum aphan ron anta pehailo lapen latum alongsi ningcheparonglo. Apotsi latum Arnam aphan anong kepi pen ning-arong alun ropa'archo ver lo nang jopangthang. La Israel arat, Arnam alangtum along kachelangdun ajok asekethe pen Arnam aphan paronang, lapen  kereset anokjir ari pa'ot'...

Bible Study: Psalms 2 (Lun Hini)

Tika Youth Department WhatsApp Group Short Bible Study on Psalms 2 (Lun Hini). Lun Hini kaporhe kangchap alo along bangphli amonit atum aphuthak David ekethan kapajir alamthe thek'longji: 1. Pirthe aRecho lapen la amonit atum kachepinkhat alamthe:  Lun Hini alo along David karju alamthe theklonglo kopi apotsi pirthe detpikethe atum bidi langno pen chepinkhat nak'lo ma. Pirthe arecho keja atum Hemphu Arnam aphan lapen Alang kangvaitang aphan bidi kahingno pen kapavirji aphan lahin lahin chingvailo.  2. Hemphu Arnam kethakdun alamthe: Bonta sining angsong anghoi pen la ardikave akemang aphuthak Hemphu Arnam latum aphan ingnekchoilo. Anparke aningkethi pen pirthe arecho keja atum aphan an pacheretoi si thanpo ne kangvaitang lapen kepektang arecho Zion inglongkangthir along si do pu.  3. David Recho amethang kachethan alamthe: Hemphu Arnam nephan kethan alam kopima lasi ne than po. Nephan Hemphu Arnam asolo pusi nepeplanglo apotsi Alangliphan hanglote ...